

CSCI holds an unprecedented history developing and supporting BI dashboard solutions for Government entities. By integrating data from disparate financial systems using industry-leading platforms such as IBM Cognos Analytics, SAP Business Objects, and Oracle BI, our solutions have enabled data to be cohesive and accessible to decision makers. We have also trained users on best practices to visualize their financial data using BI tools.

To give a few examples:

  • We developed a BI Executive Dashboard for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)) that consolidated real-time data into a single, integrated site to give a unified picture of financial performance. Delivering visibility into budget execution, financial stewardship, and funds reports, this Dashboard was highlighted by national news media and featured on CNN and in The Washington Post.
  • We built a web-based BI application for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) that consolidated data from a variety of financial sources such as manual entries, legacy and enterprise databases, and Excel spreadsheets into a single source to track metrics and monitor performance.
  • We helped redesign the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) Fusion Center, a centralized BI hub for supply chain management, to give consolidated operational views from thirteen (13) sources and to extend the Center’s BI functionalities to include metrics applications.
  • We created a BI tool for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) that allowed for both metric and operational reporting, to support the assessment of performance goals and to give employees accurate views of current and future business performance.

“Thank you for your dedication and commitment towards this program. Your work (along with the positive and fun attitude) is truly commendable and we appreciate your outstanding contributions.” – Client testimonial